Results for 'P. Auke Wiegersma'

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  1.  34
    Structured primary care for type 2 diabetes has positive effects on clinical outcomes.Andrea S. Fokkens, P. Auke Wiegersma, Frank W. Beltman & Sijmen A. Reijneveld - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (6):1083-1088.
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    Organization of diabetes primary care: a review of interventions that delegate general practitioner tasks to a nurse. [REVIEW]Andrea S. Fokkens, P. Auke Wiegersma & Sijmen A. Reijneveld - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (1):199-203.
  3. Overlap: On the Relation Between Perceiving and Believing.Auke Montessori - 2024 - Synthese 203 (6):1-15.
    In this paper, I argue that mental types can overlap. That is, one token mental state can be multiple types. In particular, I argue that a perceptual experience can simultaneously be a belief. This does not imply that belief and experience are type-identical, they merely share some of their tokens. When a subject perceives with content _p_, that content is usually accessible to the subject. By endorsing _p_, whether automatically or consciously, the subject comes to believe that _p_. In this (...)
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    Book Review of Assessment of Responsible Innovation: Methods and Practices. Edited by E. Yaghmaei and I. van de Poel: Routledge, London/new York, 2021, 394 p, ISBN: 9780367279752. [REVIEW]Auke Pols - 2021 - Science and Engineering Ethics 27 (6):1-5.
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  5. What is Appreciation?Auke Montessori - forthcoming - Philosophical Studies:1-16.
    It is commonplace amongst epistemologists to note the importance of grasping or appreciating one’s evidence. The idea seems to be that agents cannot successfully utilize evidence without it. Despite the popularity of this claim, the nature of appreciating or grasping evidence is unclear. This paper develops an account of what it takes to appreciate the epistemic relevance of one’s evidence, such that it can be used for some specific conclusion. I propose a basing account on which appreciating evidence involves being (...)
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    Janos J. Sarbo Radboud University, The Netherlands Jozsef l. Farkas Radboud University, The Netherlands Auke JJ van Breemen.Auke Jj van Breemen - 2006 - In Ricardo Gudwin & Jo?O. Queiroz, Semiotics and Intelligent Systems Development. Idea Group.
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    On the Coherence of Strict Finitism.Auke Alesander - 2019 - Kriterion - Journal of Philosophy 33 (2):1-14.
    Strict finitism is the position that only those natural numbers exist that we can represent in practice. Michael Dummett, in a paper called Wang's Paradox, famously tried to show that strict finitism is an incoherent position. By using the Sorites paradox, he claimed that certain predicates the strict finitist is committed to are incoherent. More recently, Ofra Magidor objected to Dummett's claims, arguing that Dummett fails to show the incoherence of strict finitism. In this paper, I shall investigate whether Magidor (...)
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    Vertebrate locomotion.Auke Jan Ijspeert - 2002 - In Michael A. Arbib, The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks, Second Edition. MIT Press.
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    Recognizing individual differences in predictive structure.Auke Tellegen, John Kamp & David Watson - 1982 - Psychological Review 89 (1):95-105.
  10.  63
    Choosing your poison and the time of a killing.Auke J. K. Pols - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 165 (3):719-733.
    The problem of the time of a killing is often cited as providing grounds for rejecting the action identification thesis favoured by Anscombe and Davidson. In this paper I make three claims. First, I claim that this problem is a threat to the action identification thesis because of two assumptions the thesis makes: since the thesis takes actions to be a kind of doings, it has to assume that agents’ doings last as long as their actions and vice versa. Second, (...)
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  11. Creating Agent-Based Energy Transition Management Models That Can Uncover Profitable Pathways to Climate Change Mitigation.Auke Hoekstra, Maarten Steinbuch & Geert Verbong - 2017 - Complexity:1-23.
    The energy domain is still dominated by equilibrium models that underestimate both the dangers and opportunities related to climate change. In reality, climate and energy systems contain tipping points, feedback loops, and exponential developments. This paper describes how to create realistic energy transition management models: quantitative models that can discover profitable pathways from fossil fuels to renewable energy. We review the literature regarding agent-based economics, disruptive innovation, and transition management and determine the following requirements. Actors must be detailed, heterogeneous, interacting, (...)
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    How Artefacts Influence Our Actions.Auke J. K. Pols - 2013 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 16 (3):575-587.
    Artefacts can influence our actions in several ways. They can be instruments, enabling and facilitating actions, where their presence affects the number and quality of the options for action available to us. They can also influence our actions in a morally more salient way, where their presence changes the likelihood that we will actually perform certain actions. Both kinds of influences are closely related, yet accounts of how they work have been developed largely independently, within different conceptual frameworks and for (...)
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  13.  35
    Modeling and measuring environment.Auke Tellegen - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (3):408-409.
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    Paper: What is morally salient about enhancement technologies?Auke J. K. Pols & Wybo Houkes - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (2):84-87.
    The human enhancement debate typically centres on moral issues regarding changes in human nature, not on the means for these changes. We argue that one cannot grasp what is morally salient about human enhancement without understanding how technologies affect human action and practical reasoning. We present a minimalist conception of human agents as bounded practical reasoners. Then, we categorise different effects of technologies on our possibilities for action and our evaluation of these possibilities. For each, we discuss whether enhancement technologies (...)
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  15.  8
    What is appreciation?Auke Montessori - 2025 - Philosophical Studies 182 (2):589-604.
    It is commonplace amongst epistemologists to note the importance of grasping or appreciating one’s evidence. The idea seems to be that agents cannot successfully utilize evidence without it. Despite the popularity of this claim, the nature of appreciating or grasping evidence is unclear. This paper develops an account of what it takes to appreciate the epistemic relevance of one’s evidence, such that it can be used for some specific conclusion. I propose a basing account on which appreciating evidence involves being (...)
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  16. ESG Integration and the Investment Management Process: Fundamental Investing Reinvented.Emiel van Duuren, Auke Plantinga & Bert Scholtens - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 138 (3):525-533.
    We investigate how conventional asset managers account for environmental, social, and governance factors in their investment process. We do so on the basis of an international survey among fund managers. We find that many conventional managers integrate responsible investing in their investment process. Furthermore, we find that ESG information in particular is being used for red flagging and to manage risk. We find that many conventional fund managers have already adopted features of responsible investing in the investment process. Furthermore, we (...)
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  17.  49
    ESG Integration and the Investment Management Process: Fundamental Investing Reinvented.Bert Scholtens, Auke Plantinga & Emiel Duuren - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 138 (3):525-533.
    We investigate how conventional asset managers account for environmental, social, and governance factors in their investment process. We do so on the basis of an international survey among fund managers. We find that many conventional managers integrate responsible investing in their investment process. Furthermore, we find that ESG information in particular is being used for red flagging and to manage risk. We find that many conventional fund managers have already adopted features of responsible investing in the investment process. Furthermore, we (...)
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  18. Een wijsbegeerte van het woord.Auke de Jong - 1966 - Amsterdam,: W. ten Have.
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  19. On the Coherence of Strict Finitism.Auke Alesander Montesano Montessori - 2019 - Kriterion - Journal of Philosophy 33 (2):1-14.
    Strict finitism is the position that only those natural numbers exist that we can represent in practice. Michael Dummett, in a paper called Wang’s Paradox, famously tried to show that strict finitism is an incoherent position. By using the Sorites paradox, he claimed that certain predicates the strict finitist is committed to are incoherent. More recently, Ofra Magidor objected to Dummett’s claims, arguing that Dummett fails to show the incoherence of strict finitism. In this paper, I shall investigate whether Magidor (...)
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  20.  42
    Code of Conduct for Non-Executive and Supervisory Directors.Mijntje Lückerath-Rovers & Auke De Bos - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 100 (3):465 - 481.
    After the corporate scandals at the beginning of the new millennium, corporate governance codes were drafted and implemented in national laws and regulations. Unfortunately, due to an ongoing supply of new financial scandals and societal deceptions, our society increasingly distrusts executive directors, non-executive directors and supervisory board members, as they often appeared to play a significant role in these scandals. Nonexecutive directors (NEDs) and supervisory directors (SDs) are often accused of having overlooked the important issues in their supervising role or (...)
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  21.  58
    Individuals.P. F. Strawson - 1959 - Garden City, N.Y.: Routledge.
    Since its publication in 1959, Individuals has become a modern philosophical classic. Bold in scope and ambition, it continues to influence debates in metaphysics, philosophy of logic and language, and epistemology. Peter Strawson's most famous work, it sets out to describe nothing less than the basic subject matter of our thought. It contains Strawson's now famous argument for descriptive metaphysics and his repudiation of revisionary metaphysics, in which reality is something beyond the world of appearances. Throughout, Individuals advances some highly (...)
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    (2 other versions)Individuals.P. F. Strawson - 1959 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 14 (2):246-246.
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  23. Identifying reference and truth-values.P. F. Strawson - 1964 - Theoria 30 (2):96-118.
  24.  86
    Causes of Behaviour and Explanation in Psychology.P. C. Dodwell - 1960 - Mind 69 (273):1 - 13.
    The author is primarily concerned with the explanation of behavior in regard to (1) the mecanical model, (2) the effects of physical-organic processes on behavior, (3) the lack of understanding between philosophers and psychologists as to sufficient conditions for predicting a behavioral event, (4) conditions leading to expalantions of behavior that could predict behavior exclusive of any antecedent psychological behavior, and (5) variations of the mechanical-model introducing differing sorts of explanation. (staff).
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    On o-amorphous sets.P. Creed & J. K. Truss - 2000 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 101 (2-3):185-226.
    We study a notion of ‘o-amorphous’ which bears the same relationship to ‘o-minimal’ as ‘amorphous’ 191–233) does to ‘strongly minimal’. A linearly ordered set is said to be o-amorphous if its only subsets are finite unions of intervals. This turns out to be a relatively straightforward case, and we can provide a complete ‘classification’, subject to the same provisos as in Truss . The reason is that since o-amorphous is an essentially second-order notion, it corresponds more accurately to 0-categorical o-minimal, (...)
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  26. Cautious realism and middle range ontology.P. D. Magnus - 2018 - Metascience 27 (3):365-370.
    Part of a book symposium on Anjan Chakravartty's Scientific ontology: integrating naturalized metaphysics and voluntarist epistemology (Oxford University Press, 2017).
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    On quasi-amorphous sets.P. Creed & J. K. Truss - 2001 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 40 (8):581-596.
    A set is said to be amorphous if it is infinite, but cannot be written as the disjoint union of two infinite sets. The possible structures which an amorphous set can carry were discussed in [5]. Here we study an analogous notion at the next level up, that is to say replacing finite/infinite by countable/uncountable, saying that a set is quasi-amorphous if it is uncountable, but is not the disjoint union of two uncountable sets, and every infinite subset has a (...)
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  28. The Eyes Don’t Have It: Fracturing the Scientific and Manifest Images.P. Kyle Stanford - 2012 - Humana Mente 5 (21):19-44.
    Wilfrid Sellars famously argued that we find ourselves simultaneously presented with the scientific and manifest images and that the primary aim of philosophy is to reconcile the competing conceptions of ourselves and our place in the world they offer. I first argue that Sellars’ own attempts at such a reconciliation must be judged a failure. I then go on to point out that Sellars has invited us to join him in idealizing and constructing the manifest and scientific images by conflating (...)
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    Prof dr FJ van Zyl se Skrifbeskouing.P. A. Geyser - 1989 - HTS Theological Studies 45 (2).
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  30. What SPECIES can teach us about THEORY.P. D. Magnus - manuscript
    This paper argues against the common, often implicit view that theories are some specific kind of thing. Instead, I argue for theory concept pluralism: There are multiple distinct theory concepts which we legitimately use in different domains and for different purposes, and we should not expect this to change. The argument goes by analogy with species concept pluralism, a familiar position in philosophy of biology. I conclude by considering some consequences for philosophy of science if theory concept pluralism is correct.
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  31.  12
    Į idealų aukštumas: atsiminimai apie prof. Stasį Šalkauskį.Julija Šalkauskienė - 1998 - Vilnius: Katalikų akademija.
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    Die filosofie van Immanuel Kant en Protestants-teologiese denkstrukture.P. S. Dreyer - 1990 - HTS Theological Studies 46 (4).
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    The western and the indian philosophical traditions.P. T. Raju - 1947 - Philosophical Review 56 (2):127-155.
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  34. Quotient Fields of a Model of IDelta~0 + Omega~1.P. D. Aquino - 2001 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 47 (3):305-314.
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    Author’s Response: Changes in Institutionalised Education: Is It Time to Rebel and Yell?P. Baron - 2016 - Constructivist Foundations 12 (1):115-122.
    Upshot: Time constraints, locked curriculums, strict management, and possible anarchy in the classroom are some of the themes that originated from the commentaries. I argue that these challenges should be viewed holistically in the broader picture. I also question the educator’s role in mitigating these obstacles. My advice: Do it anyway.
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  36. Marksistskiĭ gumanizm i priroda cheloveka: mezhvuzovskiĭ sbornik nauchnykh trudov.P. A. Belousov, V. N. Konstantinov & F. V. Tsann (eds.) - 1984 - Vladimir: Vladimirskiĭ gos. pedagog. in-t im. P.I. Lebedeva-Poli︠a︡nskogo.
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    (1 other version)Christologie: Die historiese Jesus en die kerugmatiese Christus by Walter Schmithals.P. B. Boshoff - 1993 - HTS Theological Studies 49 (4).
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    Die reëls en tussen die reëls van die Korintiërbriewe: Walter Schmithals se ‘Die Gnosis in Korinth’.P. B. Boshoff - 1989 - HTS Theological Studies 45 (2).
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    Eksistensiale verstaan van die Ou Testament: Die teologiese arbeid van Antonius HJ Gunneweg.P. B. Boshoff - 1987 - HTS Theological Studies 43 (3).
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    ’n Voordrag van Adrianus van Seims oor hermeneutiek.P. B. Boshoff - 1994 - HTS Theological Studies 50 (1/2).
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    Walter Schmithals en die Johannese Geskrifte.P. B. Boshoff - 1993 - HTS Theological Studies 49 (4).
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    Antithesis and argument in the hymns of Ephrem the Syrian.P. J. Botha - 1988 - HTS Theological Studies 44 (3).
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    Polarity: The theology of anti-Judaism in Ephrem the Syrian’s hymns on Easter.P. J. Botha - 1990 - HTS Theological Studies 46 (1/2).
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  44. La Physique des hautes pressions.P. W. Bridgman - 1961 - Scientia 55 (96):du Supplém. 142.
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  45.  12
    Estudios Filosóficos, ed. Spanish Dominicans.P. E. Brown - 1972 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 3 (3):302-303.
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  46. Weak objectification, joint probabilities, and Bell inequalities in quantum mechanics.P. Busch, P. Lahti & P. Mittelstaedt - 1992 - Foundations of Physics 22 (7):949-962.
    The weak objectification of physical properties is shown to yield the same probabilistic implications as strong objectification and can therefore be refuted on the basis of suitable interference experiments. An alternative test of hypothetical objectification statements, as they occur in the EPR experiment, is based on joint probabilities and the ensuing Bell inequalities. Quantum mechanics turns out to be partially compatible with Bell's inequalities even in cases where weak objectification is excluded by interference.
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  47. Filosoficheskie pisʹma k dame.P. I︠A︡ Chaadaev - 2000 - Moskva: Zakharov.
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    Enkele gedagtes oor ’n kerkorde.P. Coertzen - 1992 - HTS Theological Studies 48 (3/4).
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    Newer Ethical Problems in Medicine and Surgery.P. F. Cremin - 1954 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 4:130-131.
  50. "Il concetto di cultura" a cura di Pietro Rossi.P. P. D. - 1971 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana:177.
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